Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time there was a little girl who felt very misunderstood and actually unsure of who loved her. She longed for a pet, a very specific pet. Alas, pets came & went but none were this pet. Of course she loved each of them and something in her died when she lost each one. Someone else chose each because of whatever reason they had and she accepted each. It seems it was not meant for her to have a four legged friend very long for something always happened to them.

Somewhere in the distance there was this hissing whisper, “you are not worthy of your dreams, you’re not worthy”. She did not know her accuser but what she heard felt true, had she ever had the special pet she wanted, had they lived or remained with her very long? So, deep inside she believed…believed she was second best and what she deserved was too.

A perception was born, a foundation laid. This become woven in the fabric of who she was, unnoticed because of her acceptance. She stopped dreaming, in all areas giving preference to others, enabling their dreams to the extent of her ability.

One day she found her pet…the specific one she had always wanted! Happiness wrapped its arms around her. Oh, how lucky she was! She couldn’t believe it!

They lived together one year and then he died.

Hiss, you’re not worthy, hiss, came the whisper again. She listened. Again, it came. It was familiar, it seemed to ring true.  Ah, but this time she knew who her accuser was and the nature of the lies he spoke. Each hiss brought forth the lies woven in her being. But now instead of validating the recurring lie, it was met with truth! Truth! She was loved by her heavenly Father, chosen by Him!

You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.  John 15:16

Chosen!! Not discarded. Not forgotten. Loved and selected by the King! The Giver of good gifts!

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

No more lies. They make come but they will not be believed. She knows she is loved and her heart is full of praise and delight in His presence!

Goodbye Snoopy,  my friend.  January 29, 2013

Unopened Gifts

Do you have any? No? Are you sure?

The time from Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Year’s zips by. Activities increase and fellowship goes into turbo drive. How many people did you see during these last 41 days? Shopping? and did you shop? Is it any wonder that many are exhausted, or depressed, or disappointed? If not caught up in this frenzy then something ‘feels’ wrong, missing. Really? that chaos is something worth missing?

Can we feel grateful, really thankful, if we’ve over extended ourselves? For me, it grates on me – physically as well as emotionally. Instead of baked with love it’s more like with pressure and pain. Not cool.

Let the Christmas list begin….who am I buying for, what am I getting them, did I leave anyone out? Parties – let the parties begin. Oh, and the decorating, and the cookie baking (or in my case, candy making). Shopping,and partying, and decorating, oh my! Cleaning, and baking, and working, oh my! Husband, and children, and family, oh my! Oh My!

Out with the old, in with the new! Phew!

Where did I begin? oh, yeah – unopened presents.

Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning. Lamentations 3:23

A new gift……….every morning.

 Slow down, open your gift.

“He sees you when…..”

Can you finish the title? At this time of year?!?—- it’s a shoo in!

“He sees you when you’re sleeping, he knows when you’re awake”

I couldn’t even count how many times I’ve heard or said “Santa’s watching”. Seriously, I’m supposed to be good? Because Santa’s watching?? Hmm, the promise of presents OR the lack of them…

I don’t remember if it had the desired effect on me, nor do I remember if it did with my children. Without thinking, instilling receiving and not giving of Christmas.

You know my folly, O God; my guilt is not hidden from You. Psalm 69:5

We need to know El Roi – The God Who Sees! He sees!

Just knowing that has always brought me so much comfort. I’m not sure it would if I didn’t know Him as Sovereign, as Merciful, as Loving. Otherwise I might just feel condemned, judged, and without hope – because I know how sinful I behave in spite of my good intentions!

Should it encourage us ‘to be good’ when we know we’re being watched? Well, I believe we do act accordingly when we think someone is watching.

 ‘what will he/she think of me?

“he sees you when you’re sleeping; he knows when you’re awake; he knows if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake!”

If we could just take our worries over what people think or our preoccupation with appearances and grasp the God of heaven does see us, our behaviors & attitudes would change. Conviction would pave the way and our hearts would become kinder, less entitled, and more giving!

God sees you & me when we’re sleeping and He knows when we’re awake!

Happy Thanksgiving

I have much to be thankful for; Americans have much for which to be thankful! I was reminded of something that I normally don’t think about – one of those things we take for granted until it’s gone.

Electricity…flip a switch, turn on the water (yeah, I don’t think about this one either but there’s a pump…), and we do what we want, when we want.

Yesterday at 5 pm our electricity went out. No apparent reason. Thanksgiving eve. 🙂 Just when all the prep begins, cold stuff that needs chilling assembled. Everything came to a halt. It was off until 11:30 pm….

I have sleep apnea. No machine, no air. My O2 sats drops to 83 without it; my throat still hurts and so does my head! Yes, I have much to be thankful for.

At 3:40 am I rolled out of bed. Started again with assembling Thanksgiving goodies….electricity, off again. This roller coaster continued until daylight (around 7 am here). This is a daily existence in Africa. Power is not something that stays on. Power is not something you count on. Power is precious and they are thankful when they have it.

We are blessed in this nation by many, many things that others appreciate as if given things valuable, worth indescribable!

Bibles are another such luxury. New Christians, when given bibles in places where there are none, will hung their longed for bible, kiss them with tears streaming down their faces.

As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God. Psalm 42:1

It takes getting outside of who we are to really see how precious our gifts are.

I am thankful, too, for each of you – whether you are a regular reader or just happened to drop by today. Thank you. Its an amazing thing to link together like this, don’t you think? Let’s be aware of all our gifts today….especially each other!

Happy Thanksgiving!