Wise Sayings

Proverbs is known for wise sayings. Two of these feel particularly personal ~ I think you may guess why:

21:19 Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife .

25:24 Better to live on a corner of the roof than share a house with a quarrelsome wife.

I realized they might be personal the first time my husband read them and then proceeded to double over in laughter. Me? quarrelsome?

I am gifted in identifying what is wrong and knowing how to fix it…. Occasionally I might have to explain – repeatedly….

Truth is I struggled with controlling my man. I’ve been in situations where I didn’t have control and I got hurt – badly. I could not let that happen again. Control was my friend, control was security. Thing is I didn’t feel secure and this friend was causing me loads of problems. The harder I fought for it the more it evaded me.  I had not learned God had a plan; I had not learned that uncovering my pain would bring healing.

My husband, MY husband, could totally relate to living in a desert or on the roof rather than daily with me! This really was a surprise to me. I am totally serious, I didn’t know. My guess is there are lots of women who aren’t aware they are driving their own wedges in their relationships.  God has lots of instructions for His design in His word. Thing is they are not only wise sayings – they are hard sayings. Hard because His ways are not our ways & His thoughts are not our thoughts….they are far better! But to find that out you must exercise faith and chose to trust. Not in your spouse – he’s mistake prone just like you – but in your BIG God!

Do you dare show your husband these two wise sayings? Let the healing begin!